Wow - just wow! This latest CD, Together, from the Canadian "supergroup" The New Pornographers (almost a joke, as no one has probably heard of them, never mind the groups they came from, which include The Evaporators
00:01:39 Sweet Talk, Sweet Talk - The New Pornographers (Together 2010) @TheNewPornos
Here's a freebie, this time from Clinical Archives, a 'net based "label" that has lots of great music. This is a German group called and there's lots of good sounds on barriers.
00:05:16 Bows & Arrows - (barriers 2009)
I like the chances that Swede Victoria Bergsman takes with her group Taken By Trees. Not always thrilled with the sounds but the chances are worthwhile. Here's the cover of the week, as she takes on this Guns N' Roses song.
00:10:36 Sweet Child O' Mine - Taken By Trees
While not free, this is a "pay what you feel it is worth" CD available for download from lowercase noises. Some real good instrumental / ambient post-rock work here on Marshall from lowercase noises, a project by Andy Othling.
00:15:35 The Things Your Eyes Have Seen - lowercase noises (Marshall 2010) @lowercasenoises
Hard to argue with a 'net giveaway, as indie rock label Kill Rock Stars gives away 21 free MP3's! I've heard this Xiu Xiu song from a few different places and the rest of the cuts are pretty damn good too.
00:20:42 Dear God, I Hate Myself - Xiu Xiu (Dear God, I Hate Myself 2010)
Keeping with the free music theme, I grabbed this song via the Free Tracks Friday on Amie St.. It's a really poppy cut from this Danish group with the cool name, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour. It's worth joining up for lots of music samples.
00:23:48 The Golden Age - The Asteroids Galaxy Tour (Fruit 2009)
Legendary Boston rockers The Stompers are still going strong. My friend digitized his LP record and the results came out great! I just didn't have time to do it myself, so I'm glad for his dedication and hard work. Although it looks like the full Stompers collection is available on CD now. They were yet another local group (see Face To Face and Private Lighting) who's careers were derailed by a terrible producer and/or record label handling.
00:28:26 Temptation - The Stompers (The Stompers 1983)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is one of those groups I think I should like more, but I have a couple of their CDs and only like a few songs per CD. This is one of the better ones. It was available free on Amie St here.
00:34:16 Beat The Devil's Tattoo - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (Beat The Devil's Tattoo 2010) @BRMCofficial
00:41:40 Part Like Waves - Psapp (The Camel's Back 2008)
One of my favorite free MP3 samplers for far this year, the Authentik Artists Sampler 2010 offered up several artists that were very interesting, including the following: @AuthentikMusic
00:38:00 The Red Dove - The Moon And Her Mother (The Moon And Her Mother 2010)
00:46:02 Heavy Feeling - Justine Bennett (Heavy Feeling 2010) @JustineBennett
Justine Bennett reminded me of Kasey Chambers, the Australian country superstar who has two excellent US releases, more rock than country. Her second CD, done with her husband Shane Nicholson, has an especially wide ranging sound, including this rootsy, bluesy tune.
00:50:17 Sleeping Cold - Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson (Rattlin' Bones 2008)
A favorite from the Best of January list I put together on napster, GIGI is a collaborative effort featuring a wide variety of helping artists. Love the 60s girl pop feel of this single.
00:53:09 Alone At The Pier (Rose Melberg) - GIGI (MAINTENANT 2010)
And we'll wrap it up with another 80s New Wave favorite, this time the band from Australia with the drums and the black waterproof aprons, Big Pig. This song reached #60 on the Billboard charts in 1988. Ouch, nearly 25 years ago...
00:57:00 I Can't Break Away - Big Pig (Bonk 1988)
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